Leigh-Anne Krometis receives the AW Farrall Young Educator Award from the American Society for Agricultural and Biological Engineers.
Amy Pruden receives honor
Amy Pruden receives the Virginia Tech Graduate School’s 2017 Faculty Outstanding Mentor Award https://vtnews.vt.edu/
Dumitru Branisteanu wins Employee of the Month award
From VT CALS Insights:
Dumitru’s hard work, laughs, and engineering ‘magic’ have contributed to the success of many research efforts in our department, but he has been particularly instrumental in assisting students and faculty this year on a large interdisciplinary Farm to For effort funded by USDA-NIFA.”
Read the entire story here.
Amy Pruden named W. Thomas Rice Professor in Engineering
From VT News:
Amy Pruden, professor of civil and environmental engineering in the College of Engineering and associate dean and director of interdisciplinary graduate education in the Graduate School at Virginia Tech, has been awarded the W. Thomas Rice Professorship in Engineering by the Virginia Tech Board of Visitors.
Read the entire story here.
Walmart, McDonald’s and Other Food Companies Urge Congress to Fund National Action Plan for Combating Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria
Although this is meat focused, something similar could be envisioned down the road for vegetables.
From Food Safety Magazine:
Walmart, McDonald’s and Other Food Companies Urge Congress to Fund National Action Plan for Combating Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria
Leigh-Anne Krometis and Emily Sarver win inaugural environmental science award
From VT News:
Sarver and Krometis received the award due to the exemplary quality of their research and their research partnership, said John Craynon, Appalachian Research Initiative for Environmental Science project director.
Read the VT News article here.
Engineers, scientists to examine antibiotic resistance in food chain from farm to fork
From VT News:
Growing evidence suggests that agricultural practices, especially widespread antibiotic use, could be contributing to the increasing antibiotic resistance problem in humans.
In order to learn how to effectively control this spread of antibiotic resistance from livestock manure, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has awarded a $2.25 million grant to a Virginia Tech team of engineers and scientists to examine the food chain from farm to fork.
Read the entire article here.